The blog about and around data science

Data Science

ChatGPT-o1 vs. ChatGPT-4o

ChatGPT-o1 compared to its prede­cessor ChatGPT4o, what new features are there and when is which AI more suitable? Our data scien­tist Mark put the algorithms to the test.

Introduction to ragged tensors
Expert knowledge

Intro­duc­tion to ragged tensors

We review Tensorflow’s concept of ragged tensors, which were intro­duced at the end of 2018. We explain their basic struc­ture and why they are useful.


Infor­ma­tion entropy defined as easy as pie!

What is infor­ma­tion entropy? Let’s assume that in summer we want to send our friends a telegram from Hamburg to St. Peters­burg every day about the weather condi­tions: sunny, slightly cloudy, overcast, rainy.

Expert knowledge
Technology trends

Modern pricing in the revenue manage­ment environ­ment

Tradi­tio­nally, offer prices for products or services are charged on the basis of the costs incurred, plus a target margin. Since the end of the last century, there has been a second approach to setting bid prices…

Technology trends

Deep Lattice Networks (DLN)

Frequent problems that we are confronted with can be traced back to a (multi­di­men­sional) regres­sion or a classi­fi­ca­tion. Starting from a set of charac­te­ristics, regres­sion attempts to repre­sent the depen­dency between the charac­te­ristics and a target variable as a function.


Welcome to m2hycon

Here it is: the m2hycon blog! After 25 years in mathe­ma­tical consul­ting for compa­nies, we have now decided to use this medium as well.


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