Welcome to m2hycon

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Here it is: the m2hycon blog! After 25 years in mathe­ma­tical consul­ting for compa­nies, we have now decided to use this medium as well. There are two reasons for this: Firstly, we are incre­asingly hearing that data science projects (for a variety of reasons) are unfort­u­na­tely not as successful as they could be. On the other hand, the current corona­virus pandemic means that tradi­tional and popular exchange formats such as confe­rences, trade fairs and meet-ups are no longer available. What do we want to achieve with our blog?

In our day-to-day work and in discus­sions with partners, custo­mers and colle­agues, we realize how diffi­cult it often is for compa­nies to develop data-driven products and processes. With our blog, we want to show in an honest way that there are also positive examples of how we can overcome obsta­cles in the project, what the work of our data engineers and scien­tists looks like and what types of solutions we develop for this. Since we are a team of mathe­ma­ti­cians and computer scien­tists, no glossy marke­ting reports will appear here. Rather, we are interested in presen­ting a reali­stic picture of our work, reviving the “open source idea” for our diverse experi­ences and stimu­la­ting one or two exchanges.

For us, a successful data science project means creating innova­tive new products from data. There can be many goals at the end of the digital journey: Costs down – revenues up – more fairness in decis­ions – less environ­mental impact – more effec­tive ways of working – and and and and… . To do this, it is helpful to comple­tely rethink solutions and still incor­po­rate the many years of experi­ence of the technical experts into the design. The possi­bi­li­ties of today’s IT should be exploited to the maximum and enable unpre­ce­dented effici­ency. This new knowledge generated by algorithms gives rise to new processes, better decis­ions and even new types of products. The condi­tions for this have never been as good as they are today and we are convinced that the successful algorith­miza­tion of business processes and decis­ions will be a key compe­ti­tive advan­tage in the coming years. We hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to your feedback and exchange!

m2hycon is a mathe­ma­tical consul­tancy that offers all activi­ties from the first proto­type to the produc­tion code. This includes data science, data enginee­ring, DevOps, project manage­ment, requi­re­ments analysis and interim and trans­for­ma­tion manage­ment. The name always says it all: “hycon” stands for hybrid consul­ting and already makes it clear that data science solutions cannot achieve their full effect without the right indus­trial embed­ding in the specia­list processes. A joint integrated view of the organiza­tion and its processes with the appro­priate mathe­ma­tical solution method is essen­tial for an outstan­ding solution.

Picture of Michael Mederer

Michael Mederer


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