
How a strong corpo­rate culture promotes the success of AI projects

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A company’s culture plays a crucial role in the successful intro­duc­tion of AI: our experi­ence in various indus­tries and organiza­tions shows that compa­nies that are most successful in AI imple­men­ta­tion have a clear focus on people rather than techno­logy.

These organiza­tions have recognized that

cultural change is crucial to the successful integra­tion of techno­logy.

Trust, accep­tance of mistakes, knowledge sharing and the invol­vement of employees in the trans­for­ma­tion process are key elements here.

What is corpo­rate culture?

Corpo­rate culture can be defined as the set of funda­mental beliefs, values, formal and informal rules and visible artifacts that shape the behavior of employees and the image of the company.
It develops over time through dealing with internal and external challenges and often remains uncon­sciously anchored.
It provides orien­ta­tion, creates conti­nuity and conveys the deeper meaning of the company.

Eight important cultural dimen­sions

The follo­wing eight dimen­sions can be parti­cu­larly empha­sized for the creation of an AI culture:

Customer orien­ta­tion:

The focus is on customer needs. Close dialog with custo­mers enables the conti­nuous adapt­a­tion and impro­ve­ment of products and services.


Employees are encou­raged and empowered to develop their own ideas and take risks.
Current market impulses and trends are tried out.
This entre­pre­neu­rial spirit promotes innova­tion and adapta­bi­lity.

Digital techno­lo­gies and processes:

The use of digital tools supports data-based decis­ions and optimizes work processes.


Flexible action and the ability to adapt quickly are crucial in order to be able to react to market changes.

Autono­mous working condi­tions:

Employees are given the freedom to work independently, which promotes creati­vity and autonomy.


The exchange of knowledge and inter­di­sci­pli­nary coope­ra­tion are seen as the key to conti­nuous further develo­p­ment.


Managers empower their employees, act as coaches, support their teams and drive the AI strategy forward.

Innova­tion and learning:

A culture that encou­rages experi­men­ta­tion and tolerance of mistakes creates space for innova­tion and conti­nuous growth.

It is always important to bear in mind when making cultural changes: Changing corpo­rate culture is an indivi­dual process that does not follow a rigid plan.
Every company is made up of unique perso­na­li­ties, and it is precisely this diver­sity that enables a culture that inspires innova­tion and the use of AI.


As an AI consul­tant and organiza­tional developer, I have experi­enced in various indus­tries and compa­nies how these dimen­sions can form the basis for a successful AI trans­for­ma­tion. We should recognize this: Only by actively engaging employees, building trust and enabling space for innova­tion we can create the condi­tions for a culture in which AI can show its full poten­tial. As shaping the corpo­rate culture is a longer process, it is essen­tial that this takes place in parallel to AI projects.

Picture of Till Jäkel

Till Jäkel

Chief Opera­ting Officer


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