New publi­ca­tion in the trade magazine “Digitale Welt”

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Publi­ca­tions are the basis of scien­tific work: scien­tists and practi­tio­ners all over the world use the results to build their research on or to derive innova­tive processes from them. Blogs such as ours are a good way to publish; more exten­sive articles are published in (online) specia­list magazines and thus made available to a large number of experts.

Björn Piepen­burg, Ben Mares and Michael Mederer had the oppor­tu­nity to publish our algorithm for calcu­la­ting price sensi­ti­vity curves for the example appli­ca­tion of freight forwar­ding in the trade magazine “Digitale Welt”. The article is entitled “Calcu­la­tion of price sensi­ti­vity curves as a basis for revenue manage­ment using the example of the place­ment of trans­port orders by freight forwar­ders” and can be downloaded at

Digital World Magazine

can be read.

This is the second algorithm for calcu­la­ting price sensi­ti­vi­ties that we have published, after Martijn de Kat, Björn Piepen­burg and Michael Mederer already published a contri­bu­tion last year entitled “Unter­neh­mens­in­di­vi­du­elle Preise für den Sendungs­trans­port durch LKW” to the confe­rence procee­dings of the 12th Science Forum Mobility with the motto “Making Connected Mobility Work” (Springer Fachme­dien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2021, pages 519 – 530, ISBN 978-3-658-32265-6, ISBN 978-3-658-32266-3 (eBook),
) were allowed to contri­bute.


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